Oct 31, 2016
What breaks us can never can never bind us. Here is an original ghost story we wrote about a Nebraska legend.
Oct 28, 2016
We are surrounded by smoke and poop! We take a sniff at how the mores of society are changing right beneath our noses! Medical Marijuana and Service Animals are beguiling more than just our sense of smell!
Oct 27, 2016
Academia is just as cutthroat as Wall Street -- but will less morality and more humor. We share canonical insight into the PhD hiring process, and how it unravels into unfairness and backslapping in order to fill empty faculty lines.
Oct 26, 2016
We have the need to be cleansed. Yet, we can never be clean. We reveal the memes of purity and cleanliness as cultural controls. Can we ever become Virgins again after the loss of verifiable innocence?
Oct 25, 2016
Students who attend school in Newark, New Jersey discuss Race and Racism in performance. In this episode, our instructor gives the story over to his Fall 2004 "Page to Stage" class at Rutgers-Newark where his students dramatize the hard, biting, realities of their lives -- recording the truth of them, in situ, in...