Aug 31, 2017
We can buy the banal, or we may invest in Beauty. We examine the idea of Beauty, and invention, by using reading glasses design as a theory exemplar. We can settle for ordinary, or we may celebrate the functional Divine.
Aug 24, 2017
The time for crushing Hate Speech is now! We tempt grace against ferocity -- as the world around us is divided between winners and losers. Humanity is cleaved into the moral and the immoral -- and knowing the difference is the key to spinning a right world.
Aug 17, 2017
A small town is defined by its passions. We share the story of his William Henry Vodehnal, a small town pharmacist from North Loup, Nebraska, who made a difference in every life he knew. Plus, you'll learn the real perils of sandlot golfing, and what it really means to die alone.
Aug 10, 2017
How much value do we place on a human life? Are all lives created equal? Or do some lives deserve more money, attention, love, and support? We share the story of a wounded life that died too young -- and what was done to make the unpredictable end, bearable, in sorrow.
Aug 3, 2017
How do Hackers find you? We share the experience of thwarting identity theft. There are methods and motives you can use to create a Black Hole and not a honeypot. Nothing is foolproof against dedicated intention -- but you must always try to prove you are not the fool.