Sep 24, 2020
We take on ballast to even us out, not to make us heavier. Ballast is an important part of a divine life that requires acknowledgement, rapture, and the acceptance of a shifting landscape that worries too many lives.
Sep 13, 2020
Staying healthy without a gym in the middle of a pandemic can be deadly! So why not create your own home gym? Strength! Cardio! Resistance! Stretching! We'll take a look at how to set up your own "Parallettes Paradise" in your living room to help you make it through Covid-19 in one, stronger, body!
Sep 10, 2020
Time is running out and we cannot stop our expiration. Time-shifting and time travel are not remedies against the hourglass. The mechanization of light has transformed us in various dark, and monstrous, ways.
Sep 3, 2020
Contempt is the enemy of We The People. Unfortunately, contempt is also the fashionable moral moment of decay today! There is a secret to dealing with, and removing, contempt in society, and you are invited to join this conversation about avoiding the contemporary rot of us.