Aug 9, 2018
There's nothing funny about presenting false memories as fact. We are missing, and the Virtual Cloud assistants take over this memetic as your hosts. To live, is to remember, and to know, is to be aware of the lies being fed to you as universal, human, truths!
May 17, 2018
Why do we always know life is good -- when it is too late? We ask why the Good Old Days are only always discovered as old and aged? Why are we unable to realize the Goodness in ourselves in real time?
Feb 22, 2018
Memory is all about perspective. We uncover the trick of memory and storytelling. Who remembers, and what, defines the discovery of what really happened? Characters have a truth of their own that cannot be redefined later, by a deft and talented, outside hand. This is a story of the conflict of dramatic storytelling...
Dec 21, 2017
We cannot go home again, except to ghosts. We try to return to the living, but we fail because we are unable to recognize, from afar, what we once knew, is no longer. We step back in time to demonstrate how only those who escape, are able to know what was has been lost in the bones.