Jul 25, 2019
Write it and forget it. That's the right advice to follow when you are an active writer. Danger lurks in the past. Know the present through being where you stand. Your writing will be better for the knowing.
Jul 18, 2019
We don't know what we do not know until we ask. We ask and answer about the mysterious health benefits of coconut water; the excellence of the Nike Training Club; the great work of sleep doctor Matt Walker, and more!
Jul 11, 2019
We are not our futures; we are only our past. How, then, do we test time, and efficiency, and the promise of productivity from the bliss of the abyss? Malcolm Gladwell does not accept the idea of using timed tests to determine success; but so many programs for the Gifted in public schools require an exam that values...
Jul 4, 2019
Close your eyes. Jump a timeline. Live a new life inside the life you are already living. We appear in multiple realities of our own choosing. Which experience do you wish to make your main reason for being?