Aug 30, 2023
Bricolage is more than just something artistic. In this live stream highlight, David Boles shares his new "Bricoleur" understanding of the "Bricolage" idea in arts and literature, social sciences, anthropology and sociology, and in business management!
Aug 23, 2023
In this live stream highlight, David Boles examines the want of the wicked rich against the real interests of a human society. Do we want our university students to fall in line or break beyond the context? Do we want the highest paid public official of a State to be the football coach? Must we build...
Aug 16, 2023
Reviewing businesses online is a spammy, for-profit, scam. In this live stream highlight, David Boles reveals why big, online, "mapping" companies make massive profits off the misery of negative reviews of good, legitimate, businesses. What can be done about this for-profit wounding of innocent companies?
Aug 9, 2023
In this live stream highlight, David Boles shares his experience with total immersion Italian language learning -- that begins with Busuu, gets thwarted by Babbel, becomes enhanced with Forgotten Books, and is finally celebrated with Cibor TV!
Aug 2, 2023
In this live stream highlight, David Boles shares the details of a road scam that some families are running to get free gas and a "donation" from you to ensure their better life on a distant road. Here's how to identify the scam, and then avoid the scam!