Aug 27, 2020
We arrive safe from danger with these six simple words. We calm ourselves, and each other, with the direct dignity of truth. Here are those six magical words held together in a single sentence...
Aug 16, 2020
We have been falsely led to believe all voices matter. They do not. Some voices are practiced liars shedding the truth to cast dismay and doubt into the warp and woof of society. We stand alone in this fight to amend the record with reality because there's too much money to be made on the side, and too much power to be...
Aug 9, 2020
We live to thrive to be remembered beyond the rattling grave. The great human equalizer today is the ability to publish -- and to not be ignored or dismissed. In the arc of a single generation -- The Us of Us -- truly begins to matter anew as old ideas are reevaluated against fresh standards of thought, integration, and...
Aug 6, 2020
Returning home is more difficult than the first leaving. We search for the past, and yearn to find meaning in what was as the future compresses our sacred thoughts, and reveals our lost dreams. Entire political campaigns are based on exploiting this human need of a return to the familiar. Unfortunately, that place no...