Jun 21, 2020
A culture is always actively seeking re-definition. Things change. We are not what we were meant to become. The same is true for our stories. Where once "Tar Baby" may have been a childhood term of endearment in a folklore story from 1881, today, "Tar Baby" means entirely something else; and it is our duty to each other...
Jun 14, 2020
"I support everybody because I say so." -- Everybody on the Internet. We live in a virtual world where talk tends to have more compunction power than the act of actually doing something. Listen to this call to change to move forward and to leave blood and bones split on the street.
Jun 7, 2020
The Hollow Men killed George Floyd. In 1925, poet T. S. Eliot wrote to expose, and to and warn us, against the invisible intentions of -- "The Hollow Men" -- and we, the people, have yet to heed his words; and so we are left behind with hunger, and anger, and illness festering in the stillborn breech between the visible...