Oct 25, 2018
Do for others. Don’t ask of others. Today, you'll hear the tale of one night in North Loup, Nebraska -- during Popcorn Days, many years ago -- when a young boy made a special request of a Ferris Wheel operator, and was dug straight in place.
Oct 18, 2018
Every mob has its rules; every man is his mob. Here are the rules of manliness -- and manhoodedness -- when it comes to interacting with the Fist Bump, and the en passant, but required, "Hello!"
Oct 11, 2018
We see through each other. In the hoary revelation of self, we still try to hide behind masks we create for deception, and comity. We pry away the mask that hides both friend, and foe, from themselves, each other, and us.
Oct 4, 2018
The exchange of ideas is more about relationships than money. Let's take a look at the how, and why, we are paid for what we know, and own. You will not be paid unless you are first, valued.