Oct 29, 2020
Is gossip gender biased? It may be in the labeling, but not in the active living. Badmouthing and backstabbing are too common today and the end result is mistrust and moral dismay. How can we stop this sort of social brainwashing when it only takes one person, not two, to lift the gossip tide?
Oct 22, 2020
Today, we fight for freedom. Today, we vote. Today, we stand up. The vote is the most valuable asset you have that doesn't cost you any money. Your vote is a gift that is everlasting. The trick to creating an effective single vote is simply... the amplification of intention!
Oct 18, 2020
We are being assaulted by salt! Sodium is everywhere. We cannot escape its avalanche of prepackaged infusions! Can you limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day? Not bleeding likely! Here's why.
Oct 11, 2020
And if he lived, what will the world have lost? Nothing.
The love of wicked men converts to fear;
That fear to hate, and hate turns one or both
To worthy danger and deserved death.
Oct 8, 2020
Who decides if you fit or not? Fitting in the world is a personal decision that is often decided by others. Who are the gatekeepers for being part of a group? What happens when the self doesn't fit with the whole? How do we deal with Racists and Bigots who have determined the arc of history spins only toward them and...