Sep 27, 2018
Practice does not make perfect! Here is the process, and production, of creating, and curating this podcast experience. With over 250 published episodes, what remains in the wake of the din, and how do we prevent corruption and corrosion of shared ideas? Plus, we reveal a Cardistry secret as a surprise bonus!
Sep 20, 2018
We need a rethinking of how Journalism Schools function and operate. Today, we work to proactively reimagine the way in which new journalists are trained in America. Do we value ego over function; or must we promote competency over the lie?
Sep 13, 2018
There's a gift in being able to convince people to vote against their own best wishes. We are agog at the innate ability of Donald Trump -- our Very Stable Genius -- to tell the easy, harmful, lie with a smile, and a shoeshine.
Sep 6, 2018
Early success brings late-life misery. At least that's the argument some artists make against their own talent. Why is youthful success is ignored, while failures in later life, are magnified against expectation?