Dec 31, 2020
Our system of law is broken. The guilty are set free. The innocent are doing hard time. Is there any way to get out of this moral morass that enrobes us like tar and sinks our highest aspirations?
Dec 24, 2020
The night before is more powerful than the event of the day. We place great cultural value on moon anticipation of the moment when the result of the next sun often churns to disappointment and decay.
Dec 17, 2020
There is no doubt Bruce Lee was a SuperGenius. If you want an example of his brilliance beyond the screen and Martial Arts, learn here today how he viewed the form and the substance of water and how we are what we become.
Dec 10, 2020
Careless. Could care less. Couldn't care less. Caring is important, but too often too many of us focus on happiness and not caring, and that's when the monsters among us act to strike down our smiles in a walk-by grin sniping.
Dec 3, 2020
Noam Chomsky warns us the real minority in America are the wealthy. We need to wise up and get smarter! The Founding Fathers created these United States, not for the benefit of the many, but for the few. Our government was constructed to protect the particular minority interests of the rich, not welfare of the common...