Feb 28, 2019
Unleash the greatness of your health! Today, we share some favorite iPhone Apps for creating a tough mind and a hard body. Have you met Da'Rulk from the Chris Hemsworth Centr App? Sworkit will sweat you. Inscape will challenge you. Peloton will tax you! And more!
Feb 21, 2019
The clock ticks for thee! Together, we lament the lack of righteousness in free will and the lack of hope in predestiny. Are we our thoughts, or only our programming?
Feb 14, 2019
We have lost the sharing of the intimate moment. Examine the loss of the sacred warmth shared between two people in exchange for public hostility. We now live open lives of rubrics, and discourse, and mockery -- everything is now fodder for a Facebook Live broadcast, or an Instagram Snapchat iMessage confabulation.
Feb 7, 2019
Are we what we know, or are we our imagination? Here is the cruft of us, the ashes that become us, the stardust pittles that make us. If we can resurrect Mari Sandoz with a gaze, then we can lift ourselves back into the universe.