Apr 9, 2024
Since distant ancestrals first transmuted primitive utterances into expressive tongues, language has served as the very matrix binding fragile human experience. Through evolving linguistic means, generation upon generation encoded wisdoms, sung folk tales, invoked spirits, performed identities, and reached toward...
Mar 3, 2024
Over 2,500 years ago, in the region of Latium near modern Rome, the Latin language began its remarkable evolution. As the language of the powerful Roman Empire, Latin was more than a mere tool for communication; it was the heartbeat of a culture that would leave an indelible mark on the world. But how does a language...
Dec 24, 2023
In our increasingly interconnected globe, the mastery of a second or third language is not merely a skill, it's a portal to understanding, a bridge to diverse cultures, and a testament to the lifelong capacity for growth. This journey, though challenging, offers unparalleled cognitive benefits, cultural insights, and...
Dec 1, 2023
Today we will investigate why, in the tapestry of modern communication, two words have woven themselves with a prominence that's both intriguing and occasionally irksome: "kindly" and "literally." Their overuse and misuse in contemporary discourse invite a deep dive into their origins, meanings, and the peculiar paths...
Feb 14, 2022
Communication defines us. Sometimes our intentions are clear, other times we struggle to be understood. In this Boles.tv live stream highlight, David Boles shares an Oura ring rant, a Cherokee Nation Grammar lesson. He also explains why animals have a perceived longing for human language, and he finishes with a...